How Do You Compare Programming Languages? 5 Things That You Need to Consider


Nexa Lab Blog – Programming languages are fundamental to the way we use computers and develop software in the rapidly changing world of technology. It can be difficult to choose the right programming language for a given project or task because there are so many different languages available, each with special features and capabilities.

In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when comparing programming languages, including syntax, performance, community support, and ease of use. By understanding these factors, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions about which programming language is the right choice for your next coding project.

So, whether you are a beginner looking to learn your first programming language or a seasoned developer seeking to expand your skill set, read on to discover how you can effectively compare programming languages and choose the one that best fits your needs.

5 Things That You Need to Consider When Comparing Programming Languages?

Comparing programming languages involves examining several key factors that influence their adoption and effectiveness in various projects. 

According to LinkedIn Pulse, there are at least 5 things that you need to consider: The readability, performance, availability of the libraries, popularity, and learning curves of a programming language.

Now, let us explore each factor so you can learn more about how to make an informed decision when choosing a programming language for your next project.

1. Syntax and readability

The syntax of a programming language affects how easily developers can read, write, and maintain code. Python is renowned for its clean and readable syntax, making it ideal for beginners and rapid development.

Syntax are the guidelines and arrangements of how code is written, which includes keywords, operators, punctuation, and identifiers. It determines how commands and instructions are organised in a manner that computers can understand and execute. Having clean and precise syntax is important for code to be accurately understood and executed, decreasing the chances of errors and bugs.

On the other hand, readability in programming languages is influenced by syntax and style. Readability is about how easy it is for developers to understand, maintain, and debug code. A programming language with clear, consistent, and concise syntax and style improves code readability, making it easier to follow and modify.

For example, Python is known for its simple and elegant syntax that uses indentation to define code blocks, along with a style guide that promotes best practices for writing clean and readable code. In contrast, languages like Java and C# are considered complex but provide clarity through explicitness.

2. Efficiency and performance

Having an efficient and performant programming language can greatly impact the speed and resource usage of an application.

Efficiency refers to how well a language can perform a task with minimal resources, while performance is about how fast the task can be completed. Both efficiency and performance are influenced by the language’s design, the algorithms used, and the development environment.

When comparing programming languages, you need to consider the specific task at hand, as different languages may excel in different areas.

For example, C++ and Rust are known for their high performance and speed, making them suitable for system-level programming and other performance-critical applications.

On the other hand, languages like Python and Ruby are more focused on developer productivity and ease of use, which can lead to faster development times. Another example of a high-performance programming language is JavaScript. Born in 1995, JavaScript is known for the asynchronous programming and event-driven architecture that prioritise efficiency.

3. Libraries and frameworks

Libraries and frameworks are additional factors to consider when selecting a programming language, as both offer necessary tools, code snippets, and structures. You can maximise a language’s capabilities and enhance the development process with strong libraries and effective frameworks.

Let us examine how each can affect your development proces.

Libraries are collections of precompiled routines or modules that provide specific functionalities for programs. They are reusable components that can be used by multiple independent programs without the need to implement the behaviour from scratch.

Libraries help with code reuse, simplify development, and improve performance by selectively including necessary functionalities during runtime. Examples of popular libraries include jQuery, underscore.js, and NumPy, each serving specific purposes like simplifying JavaScript usage, data manipulation, and mathematical operations in Python.

Frameworks are more extensive than libraries, as they include various tools, code libraries, compilers, and APIs bound together to enable the development of projects or solutions.

Frameworks provide a structured environment for building applications, offering templates, best practices, and inbuilt functionalities that accelerate development and ensure consistency. They are often considered ready-to-use packages that simplify the development process.

Examples of popular frameworks are Django for Python, Ruby on Rails for Ruby, Angular.js for JavaScript, and Laravel for PHP. Frameworks are particularly useful for web development, artificial intelligence, and mobile app development.

4. Popularity and demand

Popularity and demand are other significant factors to consider when comparing a programming language.

From the developer’s perspective, comparing the popularity and demand for a programming language can help shape their career path. From a business perspective, comparing the popularity factor of programming languages can make web or mobile app maintenance easier. Businesses using the popular programming language can attract more developers to work on their projects, ensuring a larger pool of talent to choose from.

JavaScript is currently the most popular language among professional developers, with a usage rate of 65.82%, according to Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey 2023. Python is also highly popular, especially in the fields of data science, AI, and machine learning.

If you work as a backend developer, you should read our most recent article, in which we go into further detail about the most widely used backend languages. To view the article, click on the link we provide below.

Learn More: Popular Backend Languages: History, Options, and Trends

5. Learning Curve

The last thing that you can compare between programming languages is their learning curve. This factor can help you determine which language is best suited for your project based on the skill level of your team.

The learning curve itself is the initial difficulty of learning the language and how many concepts or notions are involved.

Of course, easier doesn’t always mean better.

However, using a shallower programming language can help everyone on your team catch up quickly with the project.

Some languages are known to have steeper learning curves than others, meaning they may require more time and effort to master.

An example for this is PHP.

PHP is noted for having a steep learning curve initially, but once basic concepts are grasped, it allows for the development of medium-level websites relatively quickly.

On the other hand, languages like Java have a more moderate learning curve, becoming flatter as programmers advance in topics.

Java allows beginners to start writing basic programs relatively quickly without the need to manage memory manually, but mastering the language involves learning various advanced concepts like Generics and Reflection

Predicting the Rise of New Programming Languages

The programming world is always evolving, with new languages emerging to address the limitations of older ones.

Languages like Kotlin and Rust are gaining traction for their modern features—Kotlin brings more safety and conciseness to Android development, and Rust offers unparalleled memory safety without a garbage collector. These languages are likely to see increased adoption as the demand for more efficient and secure applications grows.

Additionally, the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning is driving the need for languages that can handle complex algorithms and data processing efficiently. As technology continues to advance, staying current with the latest programming languages will be essential for developers to remain competitive in the industry.

You now understand how to compare the programming languages for your next project. If you are a new developer, you might want to look into the role of backend development today. To read the article, click on the link we provide below.

Read More: What Makes Back-End Development Important? Its Role in User Experience


Comparing programming languages is not just about measuring their technical merits but also understanding their ecosystems, developer communities, and suitability for specific projects. As the tech world continues to evolve, so will the languages we use, driven by the need for more efficient, secure, and easy-to-maintain software.

Keeping an eye on emerging trends and new languages will help developers and companies stay ahead in the competitive field of software development.

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