Backend Performance: What It Is and How to Optimise It


Backend performance refers to the efficiency and responsiveness of the server-side, or backend, components of a software application. Improving backend performance can help your business create a positive overall user experience. There are many techniques that can be used to do backend optimisation, such as caching, database indexing, and code refactoring.

Improving backend performance can impact the user experience directly. Faster loading times can keep users engaged and satisfied, leading to higher retention rates and increased conversions. Additionally, optimising the backend can help reduce server costs and improve scalability, allowing the application to handle more traffic efficiently.

So, what does backend performance mean? And how can you optimise it? Keep reading to learn more about that.

What Is Backend Performance?

Backend performance is a critical aspect of ensuring a seamless and responsive digital experience for users. It pertains to the efficiency and speed with which the server-side of a website or application processes requests, manages data, and delivers responses to the frontend or client-side. This includes factors such as server processing time, database queries, network latency, and overall resource utilisation.

There are several key factors that contribute to backend performance, such as:

  1. Response Time: This is the time it takes for the backend to process a request and send a response back to the client. Lower response times generally indicate better performance.
  2. Throughput: Throughput is the number of requests that a backend system can handle in a given time period. Higher throughput means the system can handle more requests concurrently.
  3. Scalability: A scalable backend can handle an increasing number of users or requests by adding resources such as servers or databases. Horizontal and vertical scaling are common strategies to improve scalability.
  4. Resource Utilisation: Efficient use of server resources, including CPU, memory, and network bandwidth, is crucial for optimal performance. Poor resource management can lead to bottlenecks and slowdowns.
  5. Database Performance: As the backend often involves interactions with databases, the performance of database queries and transactions is critical. Well-optimised database queries, proper indexing, and efficient data retrieval contribute to overall backend performance.
  6. Caching: Caching involves storing frequently accessed data or results in a temporary storage location. Utilising caching mechanisms can significantly reduce the load on the backend and improve response times.
  7. Concurrency and Parallelism: The ability of the backend to handle multiple requests concurrently and make use of parallel processing can enhance performance.
  8. Error Handling: Efficient error handling and recovery mechanisms are essential for maintaining performance under unexpected circumstances and preventing cascading failures.

Now you understand what backend performance is. If you want to create a website, you should first look into web hosting services. Check out our article, “The Best Website Host for Small Businesses in Australia [2024], to find a hosting service that meets your needs.

What are Bottlenecks?

According to one of the medium publications, bottlenecks are points in a system where the flow of data or requests is slowed down or blocked, causing delays or errors. Bottlenecks can occur at different levels of your backend stack, such as your frontend, backend, intermediary, or database. Here are the explanations and examples of bottlenecks for each level of your stack:

  • The frontend of your app is the user interface, which can influence performance and the user experience. For instance, users may get annoyed or leave your site if your frontend application takes too long to load or render, or if it is hard to use or accessible.
  • The backend is your app’s logic and processing that runs on the server. This can affect actual performance and scalability. For instance, if your backend application has algorithms that are too complicated or not efficient, memory leaks, or problems with concurrency, it may use too much CPU or memory or not be able to handle a lot of requests and thus create a bottleneck.
  • The intermediary is a load balancer or proxy that sits between your frontend and backend, which can affect how requests are routed and sent. For instance, if your intermediary rules aren’t set up right or are out of date, or if its network fails or there are security holes, your app could get bad or incorrect requests or lose some requests along the way.
  • The database is where your application stores and retrieves data. Bottlenecks in the database can affect the availability and consistency of the data. For instance, if your database has queries that are too slow or not optimised, or if it has issues with replication or synchronisation, your application may get old or wrong data, or it may not be able to access some data at all.

How to Identify Performance Issues

Identifying backend performance issues requires a comprehensive approach to monitoring and analysis. Key metrics to track include server response times, database query execution times, resource utilisation (CPU, memory, disc I/O), network latency, and error rates.

Checking different parts of your backend resources can help you find performance problems. That includes the network, CPU, memory, and storage.

The network is how your frontend and backend talk to each other, and it can change the latency and bandwidth of requests. To identify performance issues in the network, you can use tools like DevTools or MITM Proxy. These tools will show you how long it takes for each request to be sent and received and how much data is sent over the network. Additionally, it also shows any errors and warnings, which will help you better spot any issues.

The CPU is the part of the server that runs your code, which can affect the throughput and concurrency of requests. You can use tools like profiles or performance monitors to check for problems with this component. To identify any performance issues, check how much CPU your backend applications use. Examine details such as how long each function or operation takes, how many requests can be handled per second, and which tasks cause delays due to CPU constraints.

The memory is the RAM storage area where your data is kept, and it has an impact on object allocation and garbage collection. You can check for any issues at this part by using profilers or memory analysers. To identify any performance issues caused by memory, you should check memory consumption, how much memory is allocated for each object or variable, how frequently garbage collection occurs, and what memory leaks or fragmentation occur as a result of memory-bound tasks.

The disc is the storage space on which your data is stored, and it can affect file reading and writing. You can check for any performance issues on the disc by using tools such as disc usage analysers or file monitors. To spot the issue, you need to see how much disc space is occupied by each file or directory, how quickly files are read or written from disc, and what disc failures or corruption occur as a result of disc-bound operations.

Backend performance metrics (Image by Nexa Lab)

Benefits of Optimising Backend Performance

For software applications to provide a responsive and reliable user experience, it is necessary to improve backend performance. Better scalability, faster response times, and smarter use of resources all make users happier and more loyal, which gives you an edge in the market.

Backend optimization not only improves the user experience but also saves money by lowering the cost of infrastructure and energy use. It also has a positive effect on search engine rankings, which makes the app more visible.

A well-optimised backend also makes development and maintenance easier, which cuts down on the time and money needed for debugging. In the end, the strategic investment in backend performance optimization meets customer expectations, improves how people see the brand, and sets the stage for long-term success in the constantly changing world of software development.

How to Optimise Backend Performance

You can improve the performance of the backend in a number of ways. Caching, compression, parallelism, load balancing, and indexing are some of the techniques used.

Caching means storing data or results that are used often in memory or on disc so that they can be retrieved more quickly and without having to do expensive calculations or queries over and over again. You can use caching to save the outcomes of simple or complex queries, the content of static or dynamic web pages, your app’s configuration or session data, and more.

Compression means making data or files smaller so that they can be sent over the network more quickly and with less use of bandwidth. You can use compression to shrink the files and data that your app sends and receives, like JSON or XML data, pictures or videos, documents or archives, and so on.

By using several threads or processes at once, parallelism means dividing a large task into smaller ones. This lets them finish faster while using more of the CPU. You can use parallelism to do things like handle multiple requests or groups of data at the same time, do multiple calculations or operations at the same time, divide work between multiple servers or workers at the same time, and so on.

When you load balance, you send incoming requests to multiple servers or instances of your app so that they can be handled more evenly and with less stress. Load balancing lets you do things like spread the load across your app’s nodes or regions, send requests to the server that is most available or best suited to them, change the size of your app based on demand, and more.

Indexing means putting search terms in columns or fields of your database tables or collections so that they can be found more quickly with less scanning. You can use indexing to make lists of the primary key or foreign key columns in your relational tables, the unique or often-asked-for fields in your document collections, the text or geospatial fields in your search engine documents, and so on.

That’s all you need to know about backend performance if you’re considering building a website. If you are still considering and researching, we recommend that you learn how to buy and register a domain. 

You can learn more by reading this article, “How to Buy and Register Your Domain Name: Step-by-Step Guide“.


Finally, optimising the performance of the backend infrastructure is a continuous and ever-changing process that calls for constant vigilance in monitoring, analysing, and tweaking its many components. Web application responsiveness, scalability, and reliability can be improved when businesses optimise code, databases, servers, and networks, as well as identify and eliminate bottlenecks.

Are you looking for an all-in-one website development solution that is both secure and optimised?

You should check out Nexa Lab’s web app development services.

We provide the best web app development services that ensure your scalability and performance, with comprehensive testing and quality assurance, with security and compliance in mind, as well as provide you with maintenance and support. Our solutions are customisable for businesses of all sizes, including small businesses.

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